Access to The Research Institute’s licensed REDCap platform is available to affiliated researchers and authorized staff members only. To request access to REDCap, please complete the REDCap Account Request Form.
The REDCap Users Group (RUG) is a recurring event series hosted by Doug Campbell. These sessions are open to all current and prospective REDCap users at St. Joe’s. RUG events are typically focused on a specific, pre-determined topic, such as new features, best practices, tips and tricks, etc.
The Research Institute offers monthly Dovetale for Research training sessions to researchers and staff. Before users can be scheduled for Dovetale training, they must have completed CITI GCP and CITI Privacy training modules.
Dovetale for Research training is only required if users will be performing research related activities on human subjects. For instance:
- Building research studies into the research module of Dovetale
- Using Access Research to generate a list of potential participants to contact which, once completed, will be available in Dovetale
- Adding participants to the Dovetale research study after contacting and consenting
- Scheduling participants for research visits in Dovetale
- Ordering tests (X-rays, MRIs, bloodwork, etc.) that will be paid from the research account associated with the study (not standard of care)
Please note that making entries into a participant's electronic chart outside of the research module is a clinical task. Research data should never be entered into the patient chart. Clinical access required for documentation is separate from the research training and modules.
For information regarding the next Dovetale for Research training session, and took book a seat, please contact Serena Lu-Beskrovnyi (
Talk to one of our contacts for more information.