9:00am to 10:00am
Main Lobby, Charlton Campus (next to Tim Hortons)
Please join us for the Opening Ceremony of Learning Pillar Week 2024. No registration needed.
11:00am to 12:00pm
New location: Research Conference Room (H320), Martha Wing, Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
Full title: "Generating Bigger and Bolder Ideas and Support those Ideas with Resourcing from the Healthcare and Engineering Collaborative"
In this design thinking workshop, led by expert Dr. Robert Fleisig, permanent Teaching professor at the W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology, you will gain insights into the world of healthcare innovation and how it intersects with engineering. The session will emphasize empathy, interdisciplinary thinking, and creative problem-solving as key elements in understanding and addressing healthcare challenges. Participants will collaborate within the group to encourage collaborative ideation and the creation of innovative concepts. Case studies of projects from the Healthcare and Engineering collaborative between St Joe’s and the W Booth School, will be highlighted during the session. All members are of the St Joe’s community are encouraged to attend, and this workshop benefits from multiple viewpoints including, patients, families, healthcare professionals, support staff, learners, and researchers.
- Dr. Robert Fleisig
Permanent teaching professor in the W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology (SEPT) with a passion for inspiring empathy, creativity, and interdisciplinary thinking, Robert has taught more than 10,000 undergraduate students and has impacted students across three faculties, local organizations, researchers, and a broad range of companies. His current scholarly interests reside in reimagining university teaching for teaching-oriented faculty from the perspective of a design thinker. In 2018 he was awarded the prestigious Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Teaching Award and named a Fellow of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA-ACÉG) in 2022. He is currently a Co-Editor for the International Journal for Students as Partners and program lead for the Master of Engineering Design in SEPT. Robert is a co-chair of the Healthcare and Engineering collaborative between St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, The Research Institute of St Joe’s Hamilton and the W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology at McMaster University.
1:00pm to 2:00pm
BMO Boardroom (T2106), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
This event will gauge the St. Joseph's Health System community's awareness of the work of the International Outreach Program, and seek to understand how the IOP might better enhance visibility within the System.
- Mike Nixon, Executive Director, International Outreach Program
A business entrepreneur for many years while he has been contracted to rebuild the revenue streams and public outreach for several regional not-for-profit organizations, prior to that Mike served for 15 years as Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations for the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
A 40-year veteran of the non-profit sector, Mike originally graduated from McMaster University when his eyes were set on med school. Intrigued by the interaction between the charitable sector and corporate Canada, he changed course and has since led many agencies, within the health sector, environment and agriculture, and the arts, working with staff and several Boards of Directors. Mike is now ‘full circle’ and brings the International Outreach Program a high level of corporate interaction as well as strategic and public relations proficiency.
Mike is a highly experienced, successful and well-regarded business leader. He joined the IOP in 2022 and provides leadership to this organization, where he oversees program management, community relations, financial planning and management, and support to the board of directors.
Mike and his wife, Cindy, have been married for almost 40 years and are the proud parents of two daughters, one in the film production industry and the other a published author. Mike and Cindy have fostered many new-born babies over the years and four years ago adopted an amazing little boy who is now 8. Mike’s mother worked for several years as a nurse in paediatrics here at St. Joseph’s Hospital in the 1960s.
Mike is an avid golfer and home renovator, and at home is a baking genius (at least that’s what he says!). He calls himself “a kid at heart”, which isn’t surprising when you see his ‘passion’ for anything Christmas!
9:00am to 10:00am
Miller Amphitheatre, Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
This one-hour presentation, lead by the McMaster Industry Liaison Office is geared towards St Joe’s research community and will provide key information on the various forms of intellectual property including patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Case stories will be presented on how disclosing IP can add value to your research. The session will follow with a panel Question and Answer period with key researchers who have benefited from the services of the McMaster Industry Liaison Office.
- Blake Ziegler is a Licensed Pharmacist in Ontario. Prior to joining MILO, Blake was a Senior Manager in the Specialty Health division of McKesson Canada. Blake has consulted with and advised multiple startups over the course of his career and is a member of multiple angel investment groups. Additionally, he is a Clinical Teacher at University of Manitoba.
- Glen Crossley is the Associate Director, Business Development and Intellectual Property, at the McMaster Industry Liaison Office where his group supports commercialization of intellectual property created at McMaster University, Hamilton Health Sciences and St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Glen was one of the founders of the Forge, McMaster’s technology accelerator, and teaches Innovation Driven Project Development and Management in McMaster’s Engineering and Management Program and Lean Startup and Sprint Methodology courses in McMaster’s Innovation Minor.
Expert Panelists
Dr. Shawn Mondoux & Dr. Joan Krepinsky
9:00am to 10:00am
Hybrid (In-Person and Online)
Classroom B (T2208), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
A 5S learning session will be offered which focuses on workplace organization and efficiency through the principles of Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Participants learn practical techniques to declutter workspaces, establish clear visual controls, maintain cleanliness, create standardized processes, and foster continuous improvement. The session includes hands-on activities, discussions on best practices, and tools to implement 5S for improved productivity and safety.
- Aprille Spicer
Aprille Spicer, RN, BScN has been a valued member of St. Joseph's Hospital for over 13 years. She has extensive experience in various clinical areas and has served as an ER Charge Nurse for the past 6 years. Currently, she works as a Quality Consultant, in the Patient Experience, Quality, and Patient Safety department.
- Laura Heimpel
Laura Heimpel is an educator and learning specialist, with a background in both corporate and non-profit organizations. Laura has held the title of program coordinator, project manager, and training and development specialist, with a focus on supporting learning initiatives within a variety of sectors. Laura is passionate about developing people, and helping to foster lifelong learning opportunities for professionals across all sectors.
Two Available Time Slots:
10:00am to 11:00am (Tour 1) and 11:00am to 12:00pm (Tour 2)
Museum of Mental Health Care (Level 2), West 5th Campus
Come join us for a volunteer-led tour at the Museum of Mental Health Care! This collection represents artifacts and information from the hospital’s beginnings as an asylum in 1876 to the present. Informative displays feature themes such as the nursing school, occupational therapy, treatments, and changing attitudes towards mental health care.
This in-person event will take place at 100 West 5th Street. The Museum is located beside the library on Level 2.
Each tour has a 10 person capacity limit on a first come, first served basis. Group members must register separately. Masks are encouraged but not required. Questions can be directed to Melisa Fox at mfox@stjoes.ca.
For more information on the Museum of Mental Health Care please visit: https://www.stjoes.ca/about/our-locations/west-5th/hamilton-museum-of-mental-health-care
10:00am to 11:00am
Hybrid: In-person & Virtual (Teams)
CELS (F134), Fontbonne Building, Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register for In-person or Register for Virtual (Teams)
Panel discussing sharing experiences and discussing best practice standards of teaching, exploring how we might strengthen the teaching and learning community, and learning about resources and supports to help develop teaching and learning competencies.
11:00am to 12:00pm
Hybrid (In-person & Online)
Campbell Auditorium, Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
Learning Objectives:
- How to build a research and practical decision support data platform;
- How data systems are critical to learning health systems; and
- Discuss sustainability and partnership mechanisms.
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Costa
Andrew Costa is the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Integrated Care for Seniors in the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact at McMaster University (https://experts.mcmaster.ca/display/acosta. He serves as the Scientific Director of the St. Joseph’s Centre for Integrated Care (https://stjoescic.ca/) and is an Associate Scientific Director of the Canada Longitudinal Study on Aging. He is an interRAI Fellow, and member of the Instruments and Systems Development (ISD) Committee. His program of research makes use of health information (‘big data’) to target, develop, and evaluate models of care in home and community care, emergency departments, hospitals, and long-term care. Since 2014, he has over 170 publications and has held more than $9 million CAD in research funding as the nominated primary investigator.
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Hybrid (In-person and Online)
Miller Amphitheatre (T2203), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
What do you know about the use of mixed methods research with health sciences research? Learning objectives include:
- Distinguish mixed methods research from other approaches and how it integrates qualitative and quantitative research to address complex health problems in the health sciences.
- Enhance practical application and understanding of the requisite integration in mixed methods research through discussions of nine practices and Q&A
- Dr. Cheryl Poth
Dr. Cheryl Poth is a Professor in the Centre for Research and Applied Measurement and Evaluation at the University of Alberta and a current visiting professor with MERIT. She is an award-winning author of four research-focused textbooks and editor of the SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design. She has given mixed methods talks and workshops on five continents and across Canada and the US.
- Dr. Sarah Munch
Dr. Sarah Munce is an implementation scientist at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. She is also an Assistant Professor (status) at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) and the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute (RSI) at the University of Toronto. Sarah is the co-instructor for the Mixed Methods in Health Services Research course at IHPME. Sarah's program of research relates to the co-development, implementation, and evaluation of transitional care interventions for youth with complex needs.
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Library, West 5th Campus
Click Here to Register
This session will allow participants to gain a deeper understanding of using virtual reality applications for staff to assist in managing psychiatric patients. Participants will also view a live demonstration of the code white experience.
- Dr. Gary Chaimowitz
Professor of Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry Academic Division Lead, McMaster University, Canada and Head of Service of Forensic Psychiatry, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, Canada. Dr. Chaimowitz has Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Forensic Psychiatry Founder status, an MBA from the University of Toronto and is a Certified Physician Executive (Certifying Commission on Medical Management 1999) – Diplomate of the American College of Physician Executives. He obtained the Chartered Director (C.Dir.) designation from The Directors College (2022). He is a Distinguished Fellow of both the Canadian and American Psychiatric Associations.
He is the Canadian representative to the World Psychiatric Association, Secretary-Treasurer of the Canadian Psychiatric Association and on the Board of both the World and Canadian psychiatric Association. Continuing medical education activities include organizing the Canadian Psychiatric Association International Professional Development Conference, The International Forensic Psychiatry Lecture Series and the Forensic Psychiatry Risk and Recovery Conference. The International Forensic Psychiatry Lecture Series is an innovative weekly lecture series broadcast every week with attendees from over 55 countries. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Risk and Recovery. He is the Past President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.
Dr. Chaimowitz has been awarded the Ontario Medical Association Life Membership Award (2022), International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Rüdiger Müller-Isberner Award (2021), Canadian Psychiatric Association C. A. Roberts Award for Clinical Leadership (2016), Association of General Hospital Psychiatric Services Jane Chamberlain Award (2016), Ontario Medical Association Section Service Award (2016), Canadian Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Bruno Cormier Award (2015), and St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton Mission Legacy Award (2015).
He is a member of the Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards, and the Forensic Psychiatry Specialty Examination Committee (Royal College of Physician and Surgeons, Canada). He has published over 90 articles and book chapters.
He has been actively involved with American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, having written 3 editorials for the Journal, been on Council and is an active member of several committees including Rappeport Fellowship, Program, Recovery amongst others.
He was Chair of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Committee that launched Forensic Psychiatry as a subspecialty status in Canada. Other past positions include President of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Medical Staff Association, Chair Ontario Medical Association Psychiatry Section, President Ontario Psychiatric Association, Chair Canadian Psychiatric Association Professional Standards and Practice Committee, Vice-Chair Consent and Capacity Board, Chair Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Forensic Psychiatry Specialty Committee, Council of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, co-chair of the Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Mental Health (Advocacy and Legal) working group, co-chair Forensic Directors Group of Ontario, and Board of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health.
- Diana Marginean
Diana completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from McMaster University and her Master of Science in Anatomical Sciences, with a focus on adult learning principles. Since 2020, she has held the role of Project Lead – Knowledge Translation Specialist with the Forensic Psychiatry Program at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Given her previous clinical experience as a registered nurse combined with her passion for teaching, she works on a variety of educational projects for the program including using virtual reality as an adjunct to traditional educational frameworks for both staff and patients.
2:00pm to 3:15pm
G115, Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
Join us for a code blue simulation! For more than a decade, St. Joe’s has been offering mock code blue simulations as an important inter-disciplinary learning opportunity to prepare medicine, nursing, and respiratory therapy staff and learners to respond to code blue emergencies, practice new roles and responsibilities, and enhance team communication. Registrants will be asked to participate in this hands-on session.
- Dr. Jeff Overington
Dr. Jeff Overington is an Anesthesiologist and Intensivist at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and Assistant Professor of Anesthesia at McMaster University. He has an interest in medical education and quality improvement, and he co-leads the weekly mock code blue simulation program at SJHH with Susan Ritchie.
- Susan Ritchie
Susan Ritchie is a Nurse Educator within our General Internal Medicine and ALC programs. She has spent the majority of her 25-year nursing career with St. Joe’s including 15 years as a Nurse Educator. She also holds an adjunct clinical faculty appointment with McMaster University School of Nursing. Her interests include facilitating code blue simulations, promoting patient safety and supporting transition to nursing practice.
- Dr. Alim Nagji
Dr. Alim Nagji is a Family and Emergency Medicine physician and an Assistant Clinical Professor and the Director for Emergency Medicine Clerkship at McMaster University. He is the Medical Director for Simulation and PGME Medical Director at St Joseph Healthcare Hamilton. He is also the Director of Simulation Learning, Mac-Care Sim Lead and the inaugural Director of the ED Clinical Teaching Unit at Joseph Brant Hospital. He was the founding Chair of the TriDivisional EM Global Health Committee. His passion for global and public health have led him to work in several countries including: Afghanistan, India, France, Malta, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda and rural Canada.
He completed the Royal College Clinician Educator Diploma with a focus in simulation and teaching and the Harvard Sim Essentials Course and is studying for an Executive Healthcare Leadership Diploma from Cornell. He is a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator. He has an interest in global health, theatre and humanism, medical education and simulation.
4:30pm to 7:00pm
Miller Amphitheatre, Juravinski Innovation Tower, Level 2 (Charlton Campus)
This event is limited to Professional Staff (Physicians, Midwives and Dentists) at St. Joe's. Invitations are sent directly from the Medical Staff Association (MSA).
4:30pm – 5:30pm: Drinks and Canapes, Flu and Covid vaccinations will be provided 4:30-5:30 (sign up required, this will be sent out by MSA administration)
5:30pm – 6:30pm: Meeting
The SJHH Resident and Fellow Excellence awards and SJHH Faculty Educator Excellence Award will be presented.
Speaker: Imtiaz Daniel, Chief Innovation and Transformation Officer, Ontario Hospital Association
Topic: Value-Based Care - Demystifying operational funding in Ontario’s Hospital system (Virtual)
10:00am to 11:00am
Begins in the Sherman Library (T2305), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
The tour will start at the Sherman Library, Charlton Campus, Juravinski Tower, 2nd Floor, T2305. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the tour to sign in.
The tour will begin in our physical space that helps to promote learning, wellness and access to information. You will see the available spaces for learning, wellness chairs, learn about Education and Learning services and support for Research. Our next stop is helping celebrate during MRT week by learning about MRI and the many different ways it can probe the human body, and the many fascinating studies that are going on at the Imaging Research Centre. You will see what is involved in imaging the lung, how we measure brain activity, tissue stiffness and more. You will see some of the specialty equipment and various devices that we would use for different types of studies, and learn about the types of data we can acquire and what we can measure using MRI.
From there, we will continue to Patient Food Services where you will be introduced to the preparation of patient trays and the Burlodge retherm system. We will then explain the 'Your Voice, Your Choice' program developed with Patient and Family Advisors to offer patients choice at the point of service. Finally, we will end the tour by providing you with an introduction to biobanking, understand tissue donation process, see sample tissues and organs, see where samples are stored within a liquid nitrogen vapour freezer at -196 C, meet a researcher using human biospecimens or showcase the TCGA worldwide project that our samples have been part of. “Biobanking – central to cancer research breakthroughs. Join our tour and see how precision medicine starts here.”
10:00am to 11:00am
Begins in the Sherman Library (T2305), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
The tour will start at the Sherman Library, Charlton Campus, Juravinski Tower, 2nd Floor, T2305. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the tour to sign in.
The tour will be led by the Foundation and you’ll hear how compassionate care at St. Joe's inspires donations from grateful patients and family members that are making some of these spaces and programs possible. The tour will begin in our physical space that helps to promote learning, wellness and access to information. You will see the available spaces for learning, wellness chairs, learn about Education and Learning services and support for Research. Our next stop will be to learn about the supports and services available through Spiritual Care where you will learn about the Labyrinth, the spiritual gardens, Chapel and Spiritual refection room as well as the on unit services provided by Spiritual Care to our patients and families and our staff. We will then visit the newly launched wellness space, learn about the mural painted by Laura Bromwich, take a moment to use of the equipment and have a stretch break, and learn about the available Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) resources that are available. Finally we will end the tour at the Centre for Education and Simulation (CELS) where you will see and experience the equipment, resources, and supports available to support simulation based learning.
11:00am to 12:00pm
Hybrid (In-person and Online)
Miller Amphitheatre (T2207), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
Based on his PhD Dissertation, Dr. Heenan will describe the negative impact the phenomenon of over measurement can have on healthcare improvement, and the development of the 5-P Indicator Selection Process Framework that helps organizations select the type of metrics that motivate staff to implement improvement initiatives.
Speaker: Dr. Mike Heenan
Dr. Michael Heenan is the President of St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, one of Ontario’s largest academic health sciences centres. Previous to St. Joe’s, Dr. Heenan held executive leadership roles in a variety of hospital settings as well as serving as the Assistant Deputy Minister, Hospitals and Capital in Ontario’s Ministry of Health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A visionary, service-based, transparent leader who values engagement and collaboration, Dr. Heenan is widely respected across the province as a knowledgeable, resourceful, and community-minded health leader focused on quality and patient experience, with a deep understanding of hospital operations, the continuum of care, the importance of evidence-based research, and government planning and decision-making processes.
Mike is also a life-long learner having recently completed a PhD, has served as an Assistant Professor at McMaster University, and has published his work in several peer-reviewed journals.
1:00pm to 3:00pm
New location: Campbell Auditorium, Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
Co-design, is a creative, fun and dynamic session, where we learn together how to integrate diverse perspectives, for better solutions, where the users feel heard and valued.
Co-design seeks to actively involve stakeholders in the design process. Together, they co-create, critique, and iterate to foster a solution that resonates with each perspective. It is an effective tool for solving complex design problems and for giving end-users an active voice in crafting solutions tailored to their needs. Co-design not only creates a safe space for cross-disciplinary teams to build on one another’s perspectives, it creates more buy-in into the overall direction and priority of a project.
The session aims to help participants understand the importance of “creative collaboration,” and work through practical example to learn how to design with people rather than designing for the people.
- Johan Beukes, Sr. Organizational Development
Johan Beukes (M. Econ [Industrial/Organizational Psychology], B. Mil. Hons, B. Mil) is a seasoned Senior Organizational Development (OD) Consultant at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton with numerous certifications. With a career spanning two continents which includes healthcare, the military, education and business, Johan brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective. He has a deep commitment to employee and leadership development and are passionate about enriching lives through extraordinary experiences. Johan’s remarkable journey, including roles in the military, healthcare organizations, academia, transportation equipment, construction and business, has equipped him with expertise in areas such as Leadership Development, Change Management, Organizational Development, Mentoring, Onboarding, and more.
- Valentina Constantinescu, Patient Partnership Lead
Valentina Constantinescu, RN, MHA, has been leading the Patient Experience and driving continuous improvement at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton since 2013. Before that she was a Nurse Educator at Joseph Brant Hospital and a Project Lead at Hamilton health Sciences. In these roles she influenced many policies and procedures focused on patient centered care and nursing excellence. Valentina is a healthcare leader with passion for excellence and a strong commitment to improve the quality of care and services for clients, patients and families. Valentina, has extensive expertise across health care systems in Canada and Europe and she led successfully many projects (Patient partnership and engagement, Essential Care Partner, Discharge Planning, Pressure Ulcer, etc.) and her leadership experience spans across clinical, professional practice and quality improvement. She enjoys supporting the health system transformation through collaboration and partnership. Throughout her career, she has pursued and loved opportunities to lead and develop people through teaching, mentoring, and coaching. Valentina, enjoys working with teams to develop, create and implement “the art of the possible” “co-design” and “better together”.
Patients and Family Advisors: Helene Hamilton, Bernice King, Cindy Machida, Brian Cooke
1:00pm to 2:15pm
Hybrid: In-person and Virtual (via Teams)
CELS (F134), Fontbonne Building, Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register for In-Person or Register for Virtual (Teams)
Speakers: Susan Ritchie and Lourdes Vicente
Susan Ritchie is a Nurse Educator within our General Internal Medicine and ALC programs. She has spent the majority of her 25-year nursing career with St. Joe’s including 15 years as a Nurse Educator. She also holds an adjunct clinical faculty appointment with McMaster University School of Nursing. Her interests include facilitating code blue simulations, promoting patient safety and supporting transition to nursing practice.
Lourdes Vicente has a background in both practical nursing and career counselling as an RPN and a Certified Career Development Practitioner. She is a Case Manager and Mentoring Program Lead at CARE Centre. Bringing more than 15 years experience in supporting Internationally Educated Nurses to this role, Lourdes acts as an employer liaison, and coordinates the observational and virtual mentoring placements for IENs to learn from expert nurses and gain Canadian workplace exposure. She also works tirelessly in matching IENs with appropriate job opportunities and collaborates with employers to ensure IEN success in sustaining their employment. As an experienced case manager and employment strategies workshop facilitator, Lourdes enjoys supporting IENs to successfully pursue their nursing careers in Ontario.
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Begins in the Sherman Library (T2305), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
The tour will start at the Sherman Library, Charlton Campus, Juravinski Tower, 2nd Floor, T2305. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the tour to sign in.
The tour will begin in our physical space that helps to promote learning, wellness and access to information. You will see the available spaces for learning, wellness chairs, learn about Education and Learning services and support for Research. Our next stop is helping celebrate during MRT week by learning about MRI and the many different ways it can probe the human body, and the many fascinating studies that are going on at the Imaging Research Centre. You will see what is involved in imaging the lung, how we measure brain activity, tissue stiffness and more. You will see some of the specialty equipment and various devices that we would use for different types of studies, and learn about the types of data we can acquire and what we can measure using MRI.
From there, we will continue to Patient Food Services where you will be introduced to the preparation of patient trays and the Burlodge retherm system. We will then explain the 'Your Voice, Your Choice' program developed with Patient and Family Advisors to offer patients choice at the point of service. Finally, we will end the tour by providing you with an introduction to biobanking, understand tissue donation process, see sample tissues and organs, see where samples are stored within a liquid nitrogen vapour freezer at -196 C, meet a researcher using human biospecimens or showcase the TCGA worldwide project that our samples have been part of. “Biobanking – central to cancer research breakthroughs. Join our tour and see how precision medicine starts here.”
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Begins in the Sherman Library (T2305), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
The tour will start at the Sherman Library, Charlton Campus, Juravinski Tower, 2nd Floor, T2305. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the tour to sign in.
The tour will be led by the Foundation and you’ll hear how compassionate care at St. Joe's inspires donations from grateful patients and family members that are making some of these spaces and programs possible. The tour will begin in our physical space that helps to promote learning, wellness and access to information. You will see the available spaces for learning, wellness chairs, learn about Education and Learning services and support for Research. Our next stop will be to learn about the supports and services available through Spiritual Care where you will learn about the Labyrinth, the spiritual gardens, Chapel and Spiritual refection room as well as the on unit services provided by Spiritual Care to our patients and families and our staff. We will then visit the newly launched wellness space, learn about the mural painted by Laura Bromwich, take a moment to use of the equipment and have a stretch break, and learn about the available Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) resources that are available. Finally we will end the tour at the Centre for Education and Simulation (CELS) where you will see and experience the equipment, resources, and supports available to support simulation based learning.
9:00am to 12:00pm
Main Lobby, Charlton Campus (opposite Tim Hortons)
No registration – all welcome
Learners at St. Joe's will be sharing their research projects in a poster session hosted by the Department of Education & Learning and The Research Institute. Join us to learn about creative and innovative research projects and make your voice heard in our People's Choice Award for best poster! All are welcome to attend – no registration necessary.
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Miller Amphitheatre, Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
All are welcome to join The Research Institute at our annual flagship recognition event, Celebrate Research. Since 2023, this event has returned to an in-person format. The ceremony will last approximately one hour, followed by an opportunity for photos and a reception.
Winners of the Student Poster Competition will be announced during this event.
Note: Guests registered to attend Celebrate Research do not need to register for the reception.
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Lobby (Level 2), Juravinski Innovation Tower, Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
Please join us as we celebrate Education and Research at St. Joe's! This reception will follow our Celebrate Research event.
Note: Guests registered for Celebrate Research are already invited to this reception and do not need to register separately. The link above is a standalone registration for anyone not planning to attend Celebrate Research.
9:00am to 10:00am
Hybrid (In-person and Online)
Miller Amphitheatre (T2207), Juravinski Innovation Tower (Level 2), Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
This event will focus on a new teaching model, its application to nursing orientation, and then general application to other disciplines.
- Reeni Susan Rajan
Reeni Susan Rajan is an accomplished nurse educator with a diverse international background. She holds a B.Sc. Nursing and Master's in Psychiatric Nursing from India, along with Post-Graduate diplomas in Concurrent Disorders and Critical Care Nursing from Canada. With experience as an ICCU nurse and Nursing College Professor internationally, Reeni now brings 6 years of mental health nursing and 4 years of clinical nursing education expertise to her role in Canada. She volunteers as an IENCAP Examiner with CNO and as an Item Reviewer for the NCLEX-RN exam. Reeni's passion lies in providing safe and competent patient care, on-boarding new nurses, and improving nursing practice and quality metrics in healthcare delivery.
- Ashley Lagleva
Ashley Lagleva is a dedicated healthcare professional with over 14 years of experience as a Registered Nurse, primarily focused in Critical Care within the Intensive Care Unit. Over the past two years, she has taken on the role of Nurse Educator in the Critical Care and General Internal Medicine programs. Recently, Ashley earned her Masters of Health Science, further honing her expertise in healthcare leadership and evidence-informed practice. She is deeply committed to advancing patient safety, clinical excellence, and nurturing the professional growth and development of healthcare teams.
- Kazi Akther
Kazi Akther is a dedicated registered nurse and Nurse Educator with a passion for patient care and continuous learning. She holds a Master of Science in Nursing, focusing on nursing education. Kazi started her career in General Internal Medicine, where she developed an interest in improving healthcare practices. As a Nurse Educator, she now focuses on enhancing nursing practice and education, actively seeking innovative approaches to address healthcare challenges and improve patient outcomes. She strives to contribute to the nursing profession by applying evidence-informed approaches and collaborating with her colleagues. Kazi is committed to enhancing the quality of patient care and supporting nursing professional development through educational initiatives and mentorship.
10:00am to 11:00am
CELS (F134), Fontbonne Building, Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
MAiD Simulation featured at Learning Pillar Week will probe difficult conversations and challenges that families and healthcare professionals face when patients review end of life options. The simulation will host these difficult conversations and challenges, and provide a debrief session.
- Daniel Brandt Vegas
Dr. Daniel Brandt Vegas is a General Internist, Clinician Educator, and associate professor for the department of medicine at McMaster University. He is also a MERIT scholar at McMaster. In his clinical role he often provides end of life care and has been providing MAiD related care since 2016. Since then he has been integrally involved in advocacy and leadership efforts to ensure fair, equitable, and reasonable access to high quality MAiD related care at St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and across the region.
- Claire Shove
Claire Shove is St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton's Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Navigator. Claire has held this inaugural position since November 2023. Claire originally joined SJHH in 2011, holding positions as a Community Support Counselor and a Registered Social Worker, and as a member of our MAiD Resource Team before stepping into her current role. She has a Masters of Social Work Degree from Wilfrid Laurier University and is an Adjunct Professor, McMaster University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience.
10:30am to 11:30am
Online via Teams
Click Here to Register
- Understand the relevance of self-compassion for HCWs
- Learn ways to implement self-compassion
- Dr. Keisha Gobin
Dr. Keisha Gobin is a clinical and health psychologist in supervised practice with specialized training in eating disorders and health psychology domains including chronic pain, women's health, consultation-liaison, and palliative care. She conducts research in the area of psychotherapeutic interventions to improve the quality of patient care and to provide evidence-based treatments. Her doctoral dissertation examined a self-compassion micro-intervention to mitigate the body image distress that occurs during social media use. Dr. Gobin is a psychologist in the Eating Disorder Program and Chronic Pain Clinic at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. She is also an assistant professor at McMaster University and a member of the College of Psychologists and Behavioural Analysts of Ontario.
- Sarah Potter
11:00am to 1:00pm
New location: CELS (F134), Fontbonne Building, Charlton Campus
Click Here to Register
This workshop will explore the key features, limitations, and potential applications of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Otter.AI, and other AI technologies in various hospital and daily contexts. Participants will engage in hands-on activities, so please bring a laptop or tablet. The session offers an opportunity to connect and collaborate with a diverse community of academics, industry professionals, and clinical groups, all dedicated to harnessing the power of AI in healthcare.
Please ensure you bring a laptop with access to CHATGPT for this event. This is required for participation during the session. You can create a free account using the link below: https://chatgpt.com/auth/login
Speaker: Shaaf Farooq
Shaaf Farooq, Program Manager at The Clinic | McMaster Health Innovation Hub. Previously, Shaaf was a Project Manager at Vector AI Institute, AI Scholar at T-CAIREM Institute, University of Toronto, and a former Health AI founder, where he built an ML tool for predicting the efficacy of CBT for mothers dealing with postpartum depression
Talk to one of our contacts for more information.